SIOPSA is proudly participating in INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY that is celebrated on 8 March 2020 throughout the world. Women’s rights and gender equality are taking centre stage in 2020. The […]
A board notice in the Government Gazette of 17 February 2020 announced the revised annual fees payable by registered practitioners as set out in the Schedule below. The annual fees […]
SIOPSA, a proud strategic business partner for professional bodies and internships of the Stellenbosch University, was invited to engage with the Industrial Psychology Master Students during the start of their Master Programme this year. Thirty students from all over South Africa met on campus on Monday, 20 January 2020. Dr Lindy Emsley, our Chair for the Western-Cape region and Adrian Parsadh introduced SIOPSA and shared some industry learnings with the students.
Burnout: The problem of overworked employees in a country with an unemployment crisis Mental health as a subject of interest has become increasingly popular around the globe. Individuals and organisations […]
Unemployment continues its upward trajectory -Increasing pressure on finding critical skills The latest unemployment statistics released by Statistics SA for the second quarter of this year paints a very dark […]
HR Summit 4 September 2019 Follow the below link to register for the HR Summit and use SIOPSA as the invitation code to claim your FREE ticket HR Summit HR […]
The 4th Industrial Revolution and what this means for developing soft skills. Does the rise of the robotic age mean a decrease in the need for soft skills? There […]