All members of SIOPSA are invited to submit the details of a person to be proposed by the Annual General Meeting of SIOPSA for appointment as President-Elect in terms of sub-sections 8.1 – 8.4 of Clause 8 of the SIOPSA Constitution.
8.1 When the term of office of the President is expected to expire at the Annual General Meeting succeeding the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, the Secretary shall, not less than three months before the last-mentioned meeting, circularize full members requesting nominations for the position of President-elect.
8.2 Such nominations shall be signed by a proposer and seconder, who shall be full members, and shall bear an acceptance by the nominee of his or her nomination. A short CV and manifesto of the nominee shall be attached.
8.3 The names of persons so nominated received by the Secretary not less than sixty days before the date of such meeting shall be circulated with the Notice of Meeting.
8.4 The President-elect shall be elected by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting from amongst persons so nominated, and shall become a member of the incoming Executive Committee.
Nomination of a person to be proposed by the Annual General Meeting of SIOPSA for appointment as President-Elect in terms of the clause 8.4 of the SIOPSA Constitution is hereby issued. Nominations must be submitted on or before 22 MAY 2020 and may be submitted by email to
Completed nominations, a short manifesto and Curriculum Vitae of the individuals should reach the SIOPSA Secretary no later than 22 May 2020.
Nomination forms can be downloaded using the links below:
All nominations, short manifestos and CVs received will be provided to members before the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
Please email nominations for President-Elect to
Kind regards,
Dr Marissa Brouwers
Dr Marissa Brouwers | President | SIOPSA |
The Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of SA