By: Senzekile Shongwe, Psycho-Social Therapist and Mental health educator
Bullying in the workplace is more common than we think, people mistaken it to action of authority or the general rule of management and leadership, but is it?
Workplace bullying is a persistent pattern of being ill-treated by either your equals or superiors in the workplace this can be done verbally, non-verbally, psychologically and sometimes physically through means of extreme hard labor and negative physical contact. Bullying in the workplace usually includes repeated incidents of behavior that is intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate as a result; it can cause physical, psychological and emotional harm which can take time to heal from.
Emotional bullying affects the way in which one feels about themselves and others, it is closely related to aggressive behavior, suppression, deceit, maltreatment.
Emotional related bullying is usually non- physical, it can also be non-verbal. It can be in the form of being stalked and being uncomfortably monitored at work, refusing to communicate or give out needed information to the victim and therefor depriving them of doing their work to the best of their ability.
Emotional bullying normally happens where there is an imbalance of power; it does not always come from a superior but it definitely comes from an imbalance of power in the relationship. It can actually come from an employee or a co-worker that falsely accuses you of something, the power then shifts in favor of the accuser.
Emotional bullying often goes on for a very long time and it is consistent in the way that it happens and then typically escalates as time goes on.
Psychological bullying in the workplace is often meant to press down the victim mentally, making them feel severely dis-stressed, anxious, fatigued and depressed.
This can be achieved by deliberately making the working environment unpleasant for a specific employee, giving unreasonable targets to reach in and unreasonable amount of time, threatening the employee that they will lose their job every time they make a mistake or do not satisfy certain expectations.
Shouting and yelling can cause psychological distress where the employee may experience anxiety and get jumpy every time the perpetrator is in the room.
Individuals who experience psychological abuse in the workplace usually need psychological intervention from professional psychologists, social workers and registered counsellors to heal from the trauma.
Physical abuse in the workplace is when the physic is worked beyond its capacity through extreme hard labor as an order to a specific individual from a superior. The bully may do this to punish the individual or to satisfy his/her own egocentric needs. Most victims go beyond what their bodies can manage because of the fear that they have about potentially losing their jobs and therefore not being able to provide for themselves and their families.
Sexual assault is also a form of physical bullying, when the perpetrator touches the victim in an inappropriate and uncomfortable manner. It could start with a peck on the cheeks, a kiss, and an inappropriate hug, to molestation or non-consensual sex. In some instances victims agree to have sexual intercourse with the perpetrator because they fear losing their jobs or having their reputation tarnished.
Wearing down your self-esteem
Shaming behaviors
Shame or guilt
Punishment and revenge
Blocking advancement or growth
I hope that this article has shed some light on the context of workplace bullying, if you find yourself in a situation of workplace bullying do not keep quiet; report the issue and if you are scared ask a fellow colleague that you trust to help you through the process and also seek professional support and intervention.
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