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Message from the President: A first quarter review

Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa
Date: 9 December 2018


Message from the President: A first quarter review (Aug – Nov 2019)

First Quarter Review – 2018

Hello Members and Colleagues,

The first quarter of the new presidential year has flown past in the blink of an eye. So much to do, so little time!

In reflecting on this first quarter, through the lenses of our vision for 2018/2019, which is to ensure a positive member and stakeholder experience and also to grow and elevate the SIOPSA brand and image, there are quite a few aspects to consider and achievements to share.

The SIOPSA Executive Committee is well-cemented and working fervently behind the scenes to grow and create stability for the Society whilst addressing a changing environment and being relevant in our profession, our context of work and for IOPs. Some our achievements in this regard has been compiling and submitting a response to the HPCSA regarding our opinion and recommendations on the new scope of practice, preparing interns nationally to write the Board Exams, offering mentorship through our Masters Buddy programme and the commencement of a knowledge hub. Our 21st annual conference in 2019 – “IOP 4.0: Ahead of our Time” also speaks to relevance and creates meaning and purpose for our members and all conference attendees. It will focus on the impact of the 4th industrial revolution and the value that IOPs add with respect but not limited to reinventing the future world of work, creating a meaningful and connected life, ethics as it relates to a machine-human interface to name a few areas.

In charting our course to raise SIOPSA’s brand and presence amongst IOPs and the community at large, we have continued engaging and collaborating with external partners such as the Department of Science and Technology and our Honorary members and Fellows. We have also significantly increased relevant communication and messaging on the SIOPSA website, various Social Media platforms and events.

The infographic below provides a snapshot of SIOPSA’s internal and external focus and achievements between 1 August and 30 November 2018.

Increased, regular communication and engagement and the support of a dedicated administrative team have been the glue that has helped the SIOPSA team achieve the above accomplishments and that will ensure that SIOPSA continues to add value to our members.

As we approach the holiday season, I would like to thank all our members, partners and friends of SIOPSA and wish you all a blessed, safe and restful holiday season.

Warm regards

Alison Felix-Lodewyk

SIOPSA President

Physical Address

Regus Ground Floor
Southdowns Ridge Office Park
Cnr John Vorster & Nelmapius Drive
Irene, Centurion
Pretoria, 0062

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