If you are having any problems logging into this site, please consider the following:
It is very important to ensure that you are using the correct login details. Unless both the user name and password you are using to log in are correct, the security system of the website will prevent you from logging in. If you enter the incorrect details 3 times in a row, the system will block you from accessing the site for several hours.
It is therefor important to save your login details in a secure location, such as a password manager application or somewhere that no one except yourself has access to.
If you are unsure of your login details, rather request a password reset.
If you cannot recall your login details, it is best to do a password reset. You can access this by clicking on the 'Lost your password?' link on the login screen.
Your email program (Gmail or MS Outlook) may sometimes misfile the password reset email in your junk folder. Please check this folder if you do not find the password reset email in your inbox. Note that the password reset in the email will only be valid for 15 minutes after requesting it. If your attempt to click the link after 15 minutes have elapsed, you will need to do a new password request which will trigger a new email with an updated password reset link.
If you have tried to log in with the incorrect user name or password three times, the security system will block your access to the SIOPSA website and you will see a warning message like this:
If you see this screen it means that you have tried to log in with the incorrect login details several times and the system has flagged you as a potential security risk and blocked your access to the site for several hours. You can try to log in again after 4 hours but ensure that you have the correct login details. If you are unsure whether the login details you have are correct, rather reset your password. Alternatively, you may contact us to remove the block immediately.
If you are attempting to log in from a new device or a device that is using a different IP address than the one recognised by the security system, you may be asked to verify your account. If this happens, you will see the message below:
The security system will now send an email to the email address that is on file for your member profile.
Please check your inbox in the email address linked to your SIOPSA member profile.
It may happen that your email client like Gmail or MS Outlook mistakenly files this email as junk in your email programs junk folder, so if you do not receive this email in your inbox within minutes, please check your junk folder.
Once you have located the mail, simply click on the VERIFY AND LOG IN link inside the email to verify your account and proceed to log in as normal.
IMPORTANT: Unless you click on this link in the email, you will not be able to log in. Please note that this link is only valid for 15 minutes after your login attempt so, if you click on the link in the email after 15 minutes have passed, the link will no longer work and you will need to make a new login attempt to trigger a new login verification link.
If this message is displayed when you try to log in and you have confirmed that the email is definitely not in your junk folder, please contact us.