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CPD Accreditation Fees

Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa

CPD Accreditation Fees 2023

NOTE: This table is best viewed on a desktop device.

Level 2: 

Prior approval by an accreditor necessary

(a)  short courses with a minimum of 25 hours with additional clinical hands-on training, plus a formal assessment of the outcome – successful completion of an activity at this level will earn thirty CEUs; and

(b)  short courses less than 25 hours, with a measurable outcome (1 CEU per hour).

*such as private hospitals, private non-profit groups, commercial enterprises or companies that support health professionals through products or services
**Accredited service providers – Training institutions (Department/s, Discipline/s or Unit/s in the health and education public sector); Professional Associations (national, branch/es or committee/s)  and Formally constituted Professional Interest Groups (Affiliation with a professionally recognised institute, organisation and/or association and/or Branch/es or committee/s who have proven knowledge and skills in the relevant field and are in good standing in the group with a formally appointed Chairperson)

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Regus Ground Floor
Southdowns Ridge Office Park
Cnr John Vorster & Nelmapius Drive
Irene, Centurion
Pretoria, 0062

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