SIOPSA Academy exists to strengthen the reputation of industrial psychology as a community of practitioners that adds value to our clients through evidence-based practice
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The Academy holds various online and in-person events and workshops. We often partner with professionals within our field and with SIOPSA Interest Groups to hold workshops and events. Events have included interviews with prominent figures within our field, counselling workshops, mentoring emerging industrial psychologists, team building events, ethics workshops, transformation workshops, coaching events, and people data analytic workshops.
Our focus over the next year will be to continue our momentum in arranging and hosting events and workshops through our collaborative efforts with professional partners and SIOPSA Interest Groups. Events and workshops will continue to be aligned with current trends and interests applicable to the industrial psychology field. We look to continue to support emerging psychologists, to provide valuable industrial psychology services to previously disadvantaged communities, and to further encourage and facilitate conversations around transformation. Upcoming events include career counselling to support previously disadvantaged communities, mentoring emerging industrial psychologists, people data analytic workshops, and neuroscience events.